Our founder Dan Elder was a contributor to this latest book project, this one includes his insights on How to Live and Lead with Authenticity. Since 2007, more than 10,000 leaders have benefited from the True Growth leader development experience. Their team of facilitators and coaches are committed to helping leaders embrace the transformational power of authenticity to improve themselves and the lives they touch. This world-class team has truly been the key to the success of the True Growth experience. As part of the True Growth experience, they developed a 360° assessment based on the 7 core competencies and corresponding 25 behaviors of an authentic leader. For the thousands of leaders who benefited from this assessment and their one-on-one coaching sessions, they decided to publish a free monthly newsletter that focused on these seven core competencies that are essential to becoming an authentic leader. Each of these newsletters was written by a member of their team with the goal of sharing a personal story that brought to life one of the competencies. The response to the newsletters was overwhelmingly positive. Not only did the readers, True Growth Alumni, enjoy the impactful real-world stories, but they saw great benefit from the True Growth Takeaway, Reflection Questions, and Book Recommendation that were included with each newsletter. That information allowed them to go deeper into making that competency an integral part of their life. This book is their way of sharing these True Growth lessons on how to become an authentic leader. It is organized into seven sections focused on the behavioral competencies of an authentic leader. You are encouraged to read each chapter deliberately, focus on the True Growth Takeaway, and, most importantly, take time to reflect and act on the Reflection Questions included after each chapter. They also included at the end of each section some specific behaviors you should consider using to improve as a leader at home and work. The hope is that this book serves you well on your journey to leadership authenticity!
CSM (Ret.) Dan Elder, USA
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